Why the Sea Has Salt

Kategori: Segera Terbit | 10 Kali Dilihat
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Why the Sea Has Salt Sinopsis : Go to a river. Have some of the water there. It is good to drink. Go to the sea. Have some of the water there. It is not good to drink. Sea water has salt in it. Why is there salt in theā€¦ Selengkapnya »

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Why the Sea Has Salt

Sinopsis :

Go to a river. Have some of the water there. It is good to drink. Go to the sea. Have some of the water there. It is not good to drink. Sea water has salt in it. Why is there salt in the sea? This story says it is because of two brothers and a magic mill.

Translate: (Pergi ke sungai. Minumlah sedikit air di sana. Itu enak untuk diminum. Pergi ke laut. Minumlah sedikit air di sana. Tidak baik untuk diminum. Air laut mengandung garam. Mengapa ada garam di laut? Cerita ini mengatakan itu karena dua saudara laki-laki dan sebuah penggilingan ajaib.)


Penulis Peter Asbjornsen and Jorgen Moe
Jumlah Halaman 24 Halaman
Ukuran 15 x 21 cm
ISBN (Masih dalam proses)


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