The Old Beggar Woman

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The Old Beggar Woman Sinopsis : Goody has a bad mother. The mother likes Goody’s sister more than Goody. But Goody is still kind and always listens to her mother. One day, Goody meets an old beggar woman. The old woman knows magic, and she does a very nice thing… Selengkapnya »

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The Old Beggar Woman

Sinopsis :

Goody has a bad mother. The mother likes Goody’s sister more than Goody. But Goody is still kind and always listens to her mother. One day, Goody meets an old beggar woman. The old woman knows magic, and she does a very nice thing for Goody. Then Goody’s mother finds out. She wants the old woman to do a nice thing for her other daughter, too.

Translate: (Goody memiliki ibu yang buruk. Sang ibu lebih menyukai adik Goody daripada Goody. Tapi Goody tetap baik dan selalu mendengarkan ibunya. Suatu hari, Goody bertemu dengan seorang wanita pengemis tua. Wanita tua itu mengetahui sihir, dan dia melakukan hal yang sangat baik untuk Goody. Lalu ibu Goody mengetahuinya. Dia ingin wanita tua itu melakukan hal yang baik untuk putrinya yang lain juga.)


Penulis Charles Perrault
Jumlah Halaman 24 Halaman
Ukuran 15 x 21 cm
ISBN (Masih dalam proses)


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