East of the Sun and West of the Moon

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East of the Sun and West of the Moon Sinopsis : Magic makes a prince become a white bear in the day but a man at night. Nina is happy living with the white bear, but she wants to see the man. But there is a problem. If Nina sees… Selengkapnya »

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East of the Sun and West of the Moon

Sinopsis :

Magic makes a prince become a white bear in the day but a man at night. Nina is happy living with the white bear, but she wants to see the man. But there is a problem. If Nina sees the prince as a man, he must go and live with an ugly princess. The ugly princess lives far away in a castle east of the sun and west of the moon.

Translate: (Sihir membuat seorang pangeran menjadi beruang putih di siang hari, tetapi menjadi manusia di malam hari. Nina senang tinggal bersama beruang putih, tapi dia ingin bertemu pria itu. Tapi ada masalah. Jika Nina melihat sang pangeran sebagai laki-laki, dia harus pergi dan tinggal bersama seorang putri jelek. Putri jelek itu tinggal jauh di sebuah kastil di sebelah timur matahari dan barat bulan.)


Penulis Peter Asbjornsen and Jorgen Moe
Jumlah Halaman 24 Halaman
Ukuran 15 x 21 cm
ISBN (Masih dalam proses)


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