Bella and the Wonderful Wizard

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Bella and the Wonderful Wizard Sinopsis : Dark is an evil wizard, and he wants Jack and Bella’s magic crystals. He plans to trap Jack and Bella inside magic storybooks. Bella reads the book, The Wizard of Oz . A twister carries Bella over the rainbow to the Land of… Selengkapnya »

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Bella and the Wonderful Wizard

Sinopsis :

Dark is an evil wizard, and he wants Jack and Bella’s magic crystals.
He plans to trap Jack and Bella inside magic storybooks.
Bella reads the book, The Wizard of Oz . A twister carries Bella over the rainbow to the Land of Oz. She needs to travel down the yellow brick road to get help from the Wizard. But, will the Wizard help her, or will he try to steal her magic crystal?

Translate: (Dark adalah penyihir jahat, dan dia menginginkan kristal ajaib Jack dan Bella.
Dia berencana menjebak Jack dan Bella di dalam buku cerita ajaib.
Bella membaca buku The Wizard of Oz. Angin puting beliung membawa Bella melewati pelangi ke Negeri Oz. Dia perlu melakukan perjalanan menyusuri jalan bata kuning untuk mendapatkan bantuan dari Penyihir. Tapi, akankah sang Penyihir membantunya, atau akankah dia mencoba mencuri kristal ajaibnya?)


Penulis Jason Wilburn, Casey Kim
Jumlah Halaman 48 Halaman
Ukuran 16 x 22 cm
ISBN (Masih dalam proses)


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