Cupid, the Bad Boy

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Cupid, the Bad Boy Sinopsis : Mr. Andersen is at home on a rainy night. Someone comes to his door. It is a boy with a bow and arrows. Mr. Andersen lets the boy come in the house. But the boy is bad. He shoots Mr. Andersen with his bow… Selengkapnya »

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Cupid, the Bad Boy

Sinopsis :

Mr. Andersen is at home on a rainy night. Someone comes to his door. It is a boy with a bow and arrows. Mr. Andersen lets the boy come in the house. But the boy is bad. He shoots Mr. Andersen with his bow and arrows! Watch out for Cupid. He wants to shoot everyone!

Translate: (Tuan Andersen ada di rumah pada malam hujan. Seseorang datang ke pintunya. Itu adalah anak laki-laki dengan busur dan anak panah. Tuan Andersen mengizinkan anak itu masuk ke dalam rumah. Tapi anak itu jahat. Dia menembak Tuan Andersen dengan busur dan anak panahnya! Hati-hati dengan Cupid. Dia ingin menembak semua orang!)


Penulis Hans Christian Andersen
Jumlah Halaman 24 Halaman
Ukuran 15 x 21 cm
ISBN (Masih dalam proses)


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