How the Tiger Gets His Stripes

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How the Tiger Gets His Stripes Sinopsis : Long ago, a tiger sees a water buffalo in a field. The tiger has no stripes. He wants to know why the strong water buffalo works for a weak man. The water buffalo says the man is wise. Tiger wants to be… Selengkapnya »

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How the Tiger Gets His Stripes

Sinopsis :

Long ago, a tiger sees a water buffalo in a field. The tiger has no stripes. He wants to know why the strong water buffalo works for a weak man. The water buffalo says the man is wise. Tiger wants to be wise, so he goes to the man. But the man does not make the tiger wise. He gives the tiger his stripes.

Translate: (Dahulu kala, seekor harimau melihat seekor kerbau di ladang. Harimau tidak memiliki belang. Dia ingin tahu mengapa kerbau yang kuat bekerja untuk orang yang lemah. Kerbau berkata bahwa laki-laki itu bijaksana. Harimau ingin menjadi bijaksana, maka ia mendatangi laki-laki itu. Namun manusia tidak menjadikan harimau bijaksana. Dia memberi harimau itu garis-garisnya.)


Penulis A Vietnamese Folk Tale
Jumlah Halaman 24 Halaman
Ukuran 15 x 21 cm
ISBN (Masih dalam proses)


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