Jack and Robin Hood

Kategori: Segera Terbit | 37 Kali Dilihat
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Jack and Robin Hood Sinopsis : Dark is an evil wizard, and he wants Jack and Bella’s magic crystals. He plans to trap Jack and Bella inside magic storybooks. Jack reads the book, Robin Hood. Bella is trapped in the storybook! It’s up to Jack to save her. Luckily, he’ll… Selengkapnya »

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Jack and Robin Hood

Sinopsis :

Dark is an evil wizard, and he wants Jack and Bella’s magic crystals.
He plans to trap Jack and Bella inside magic storybooks.
Jack reads the book, Robin Hood.
Bella is trapped in the storybook! It’s up to Jack to save her. Luckily, he’ll have some help from one of the most famous heroes in literature.
Can Jack and Robin Hood rescue Bella and stop Dark?

Translate: (Dark adalah penyihir jahat, dan dia menginginkan kristal ajaib Jack dan Bella.
Dia berencana menjebak Jack dan Bella di dalam buku cerita ajaib.
Jack membaca buku Robin Hood.
Bella terjebak dalam buku cerita! Terserah Jack untuk menyelamatkannya. Untungnya, dia mendapat bantuan dari salah satu pahlawan paling terkenal dalam sastra.
Bisakah Jack dan Robin Hood menyelamatkan Bella dan menghentikan Dark?)


Penulis Jason Wilburn, Casey Kim
Jumlah Halaman 48 Halaman
Ukuran 16 x 22 cm
ISBN (Masih dalam proses)


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