Jack’s Time Machine

Kategori: Segera Terbit | 34 Kali Dilihat
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Jack’s Time Machine Sinopsis : Dark is an evil wizard, and he wants Jack and Bella’s magic crystals. He plans to trap Jack and Bella inside magic storybooks. Together Jack and Bella read the book, The Time Machine . Inside the book, Jack has a time machine! He travels to… Selengkapnya »

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Jack’s Time Machine

Sinopsis :

Dark is an evil wizard, and he wants Jack and Bella’s magic crystals. He plans to trap Jack and Bella inside magic storybooks. Together Jack and Bella read the book, The Time Machine . Inside the book, Jack has a time machine! He travels to the future. There he meets the mysterious Eloi. What will Jack do when his time machine goes missing? Can Jack rescue Bella from the evil Morlocks? And, what does the leader of the Morlocks want?

Translate: (Dark adalah penyihir jahat, dan dia menginginkan kristal ajaib Jack dan Bella. Dia berencana menjebak Jack dan Bella di dalam buku cerita ajaib. Bersama-sama Jack dan Bella membaca buku The Time Machine. Di dalam buku itu, Jack memiliki mesin waktu! Dia melakukan perjalanan ke masa depan. Di sana dia bertemu dengan Eloi yang misterius. Apa yang akan Jack lakukan jika mesin waktunya hilang? Bisakah Jack menyelamatkan Bella dari Morlock yang jahat? Dan, apa yang diinginkan pemimpin Morlock?)


Penulis Jason Wilburn, Casey Kim
Jumlah Halaman 48 Halaman
Ukuran 16 x 22 cm
ISBN (Masih dalam proses)


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