The Donkey

Kategori: Segera Terbit | 10 Kali Dilihat
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The Donkey Sinopsis : A king and queen have a baby. The baby is a donkey! But they are not sad. The donkey is a good son, and he plays music very well. One day, the donkey says he wants to go see a princess in a far castle. Will… Selengkapnya »

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The Donkey

Sinopsis :

A king and queen have a baby. The baby is a donkey! But they are not sad. The donkey is a good son, and he plays music very well. One day, the donkey says he wants to go see a princess in a far castle. Will she like him? Will the princess’s father like him?

Translate: (Seorang raja dan ratu mempunyai bayi. Bayinya adalah seekor keledai! Tapi mereka tidak sedih. Keledai itu anak yang baik, dan dia memainkan musik dengan sangat baik. Suatu hari, keledai berkata dia ingin pergi menemui seorang putri di kastil yang jauh. Apakah dia akan menyukainya? Akankah ayah sang putri menyukainya?)


Penulis The Grimm Brothers
Jumlah Halaman 24 Halaman
Ukuran 15 x 21 cm
ISBN (Masih dalam proses)


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