The Four Dragons

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The Four Dragons Sinopsis : Four dragons live in China. They want to help the people. They ask the Jade King to send rain for the people. But the Jade King does not do it. When the dragons help the people on their own, the Jade King is mad. What… Selengkapnya »

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The Four Dragons

Sinopsis :

Four dragons live in China. They want to help the people. They ask the Jade King to send rain for the people. But the Jade King does not do it. When the dragons help the people on their own, the Jade King is mad. What will the Jade King do to the four dragons?

Translate: (Empat naga tinggal di Tiongkok. Mereka ingin membantu masyarakat. Mereka meminta Raja Giok untuk mengirimkan hujan bagi rakyatnya. Namun Raja Giok tidak melakukannya. Saat para naga membantu rakyatnya sendirian, Raja Giok menjadi gila. Apa yang akan dilakukan Raja Giok terhadap keempat naga itu?)


Penulis A Chinese Folk Tale
Jumlah Halaman 24 Halaman
Ukuran 15 x 21 cm
ISBN (Masih dalam proses)


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