The Frog Prince

Kategori: Segera Terbit | 13 Kali Dilihat
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The Frog Prince   Sinopsis : A princess has a gold ball. The ball goes into some water. A kind frog says he can help the princess get her ball back. The frog only asks the girl to be his friend. The princess says she will be his friend, but… Selengkapnya »

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The Frog Prince


Sinopsis :

A princess has a gold ball. The ball goes into some water. A kind frog says he can help the princess get her ball back. The frog only asks the girl to be his friend. The princess says she will be his friend, but she leaves when she has her ball. But the frog does not give up!

Translate: (Seorang putri memiliki bola emas. Bola masuk ke dalam air. Seekor katak yang baik hati mengatakan dia bisa membantu sang putri mendapatkan bolanya kembali. Katak hanya meminta gadis itu menjadi temannya. Sang putri mengatakan dia akan menjadi temannya, tapi dia pergi ketika dia memiliki bolanya. Tapi katak tidak menyerah!)


Penulis The Grimm Brothers
Jumlah Halaman 24 Halaman
Ukuran 15 x 21 cm
ISBN (Masih dalam proses)


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