The Language of the Birds

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The Language of the Birds Sinopsis : Ivan saves some birds from a fox. The birds want to thank Ivan. They teach him the language of the birds. But people do not think Ivan can really talk to birds. Will the language of the birds help Ivan live well? Or… Selengkapnya »

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The Language of the Birds

Sinopsis :

Ivan saves some birds from a fox. The birds want to thank Ivan. They teach him the language of the birds.
But people do not think Ivan can really talk to birds. Will the language of the birds help Ivan live well? Or will it make life hard for him?

Translate: (Ivan menyelamatkan beberapa burung dari rubah. Burung-burung ingin berterima kasih kepada Ivan. Mereka mengajarinya bahasa burung.
Namun orang-orang tidak mengira Ivan benar-benar bisa berbicara dengan burung. Akankah bahasa burung membantu Ivan hidup dengan baik? Atau akankah hal itu membuat hidupnya sulit?)


Penulis A Russian Folk Tale
Jumlah Halaman 24 Halaman
Ukuran 15 x 21 cm
ISBN (Masih dalam proses)


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