The Little Red Hen

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The Little Red Hen Sinopsis : Little Red Hen calls her children. They will make bread today. Little Red Hen asks Big Fat Rooster to help too. But Big Fat Rooster wants to do other things. He doesn’t want to do the work to make the bread. He just wants… Selengkapnya »

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Detail Produk "The Little Red Hen"

The Little Red Hen

Sinopsis :

Little Red Hen calls her children. They will make bread today. Little Red Hen asks Big Fat Rooster to help too. But Big Fat Rooster wants to do other things. He doesn’t want to do the work to make the bread. He just wants to eat it at the end of the day.

Translate: (Little Red Hen memanggil anak-anaknya. Mereka akan membuat roti hari ini. Ayam Merah Kecil meminta Ayam Gemuk Besar untuk membantu juga. Tapi Ayam Gemuk Besar ingin melakukan hal lain. Dia tidak mau melakukan pekerjaan membuat roti. Dia hanya ingin memakannya di penghujung hari.)


Penulis A Russian Folk Tale
Jumlah Halaman 24 Halaman
Ukuran 15 x 21 cm
ISBN (Masih dalam proses)


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