The Origin of Fire

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The Origin of Fire Sinopsis : This story is about people getting fire. Fox sees that people are cold in winter. He is smart, and he wants to help others. With the help of Goose, Fox goes to find a way to help people. In the town of the fireflies,… Selengkapnya »

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The Origin of Fire

Sinopsis :

This story is about people getting fire. Fox sees that people are cold in winter. He is smart, and he wants to help others. With the help of Goose, Fox goes to find a way to help people. In the town of the fireflies, Fox sees something new. The fireflies have fire!

Translate: (Cerita ini tentang orang-orang yang terkena api. Rubah melihat orang-orang kedinginan di musim dingin. Dia pintar, dan dia ingin membantu orang lain. Dengan bantuan Goose, Fox mencari cara untuk membantu orang. Di kota kunang-kunang, Fox melihat sesuatu yang baru. Kunang-kunang punya api!)


Penulis A Native American Folk Tale
Jumlah Halaman 24 Halaman
Ukuran 15 x 21 cm
ISBN (Masih dalam proses)


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