The Rabbits and the Frogs

Kategori: Segera Terbit | 13 Kali Dilihat
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The Rabbits and the Frogs Sinopsis : Rabbits are nice and kind. They live in a scary world. Many things in the world eat rabbits! It is not easy to live in a scary world. One rabbit tells his friends that they can end it all. They can jump in… Selengkapnya »

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The Rabbits and the Frogs

Sinopsis :

Rabbits are nice and kind. They live in a scary world. Many things in the world eat rabbits! It is not easy to live in a scary world. One rabbit tells his friends that they can end it all. They can jump in a pool and end their lives. But some frogs in the pool teach the rabbits a good lesson.

Translate: (Kelinci itu baik dan baik hati. Mereka hidup di dunia yang menakutkan. Banyak hal di dunia yang memakan kelinci! Tidak mudah untuk hidup di dunia yang menakutkan. Seekor kelinci memberi tahu teman-temannya bahwa mereka bisa mengakhiri semuanya. Mereka bisa melompat ke dalam kolam dan mengakhiri hidup mereka. Namun beberapa katak di kolam memberikan pelajaran yang baik kepada kelinci.)


Penulis Aesop
Jumlah Halaman 24 Halaman
Ukuran 15 x 21 cm
ISBN (Masih dalam proses)


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